Shocking news emerges from the world of cinema with the passing of Cindy Morgan, a renowned actor known for her roles as Lacey Underall in “Caddyshack” and Lora/Yori in Disney’s original film “Tron.” The Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office reported that Morgan’s lifeless body was discovered at her residence in Lake Worth Beach, Florida, on December 30, 2023, after her roommate contacted the police.
Morgan’s female roommate, returning from vacation, attempted to reach Morgan but received no response. After detecting a suspicious odor from the adjacent bedroom, the roommate decided to alert the police. There are no signs of foul play, and Morgan’s death is believed to be natural, occurring moments before the discovery of her body on December 30. Morgan was last seen alive on December 19.
Cindy Morgan reached the pinnacle of her career through roles in “Caddyshack” and “Tron,” showcasing her talent in the film industry. Born in Chicago in 1954, Morgan initially worked as a weather forecaster and DJ before entering the world of acting. In addition to her film accomplishments, she continued to develop her acting skills in television, including productions such as “Bring ‘Em Back Alive” and “Falcon Crest” during the ’80s and ’90s.